Alex Magallan interview!Fresh back from Australia, Alex Magallan has a really good interview with Jeff Z up on the Ride BMX.  He talks the merits of living in Austin and traveling to Australia.  All the photos were shot from the Sunday Swine Flu tour in the fall!
  Jake Seeley Talks Videos!Jake Seeley answers questions about his favorite videos in a mini interview on the Ride BMX site.  Jeff Z asks the questions and shoots the photos which are from the Swine Flu Tour.  He’s been on a tear lately, his Sunday/Duffs edit that dropped the other day was amazing.  See that again HERE.
  Eric L. Interview!Eric Lichtenberger has a Q&A up at There’s a few great shots in there as well and a prime example of Eric’s quick reflexes in full effect.
  Ian Schwartz InterviewIan Schwartz telling it like it is.  Jeff Z does a very good and candid interview with Ian about his departure from the BMX spotlight.  Go over to the Ride site and read it!
  Jim Cielencki Bike CheckRide BMX has my bike check up on their website.  Jeff Z took a bunch of good photos while we were on the Sunday Swine Flu tour after Interbike.  There isn’t too much new on the bike besides running a pivotal seat and post for the first time.  The frame is an experimental Funday with […]
  Interbike Video from Ride!Internet’s been lacking for us the past couple days so this video sneaked by without getting posted. Here’s another close-up look of some of the things we showed in the Sunday booth!
  Up Up and Away reviewKelly Reddington shot some pics of one of our premieres and wrote up a review of Up Up and Away! You can check it out over at!
  Kurt Rasmusson WallpaperKurt Rasmusson has a sweet wallpaper available over at RideBMX.  Up rail to wallride is pretty cool if you ask me.
  Stephen Savage ad!Here’s our latest Up, Up and Away ad featuring Stephen Savage which just came out in the latest issue of Ride BMX.  Video will be out soon!
  Jake Seeley Wallpaper!Jake Seeley has an awesome wallpaper of him doing a 180 lookback out of a rail available over at Ride BMX, so follow this LINK to get it! In other Jake news, he’s been filming for his Props bio which is tenatively scheduled to come out at the end of summer or early fall. Right […]
  Ian Schwartz Wallpaper!That’s right you can put Ian Schwartz up as your wallpaper by simply going over to the Ride site or just following this link right HERE!  In other news, he’s been riding a bunch in Ohio when the weather permits or when he’s not working on his family’s farm.  He’s anticipating Up, Up and Away‘s […]
  Aaron Ross Funday Ad!Here is the latest Up, Up and Away ad featuring Aaron Ross.  Doing a whip down 7 stairs is tough, but doing into a wet landing is another thing.  Check out the video in April to see the rest of Aaron’s part.