Check this one out, Tom Arkus was just over in France riding trails and came back with this POV video for us all to enjoy. Talk about amazing trails! You’d better just watch this video right now. Go over to to see more photos and updates from Tom’s trip. Enjoy!
Bobby D whip doubles?
Vinyl BMX posted this wild photo of Bobby DeLaat and Dan P’Simer riding the old Red Bull box at Ray’s in Cleveland. Enjoy!
Alex Magallan on Vinyl!
Vinyl BMX has a great photo of Alex Magallan riding in Pittsburgh last summer. This was really difficult to get to, difficult to do and difficult to make look good, but Alex manages to accomplish this with ease. Check out Vinyl’s tumblr page for lots of great BMX photos. Photo by Brian Yeagle.
Please say you’ve seen Alex Magallan’s Emerald video? Watch it right HERE!
Alex M:
ATX Edit!
Ohhhhh yeah! Here we go with another set of awesome Alex Magallan clips. These were filmed during his stay in Austin, Texas and it has everything from tech lines to big gaps and sometimes a mixture of both.
Thanks to Tom Arkus over at Vinyl BMX for putting this edit together!
Tom Arkus Weekend!
Tom Arkus spent a fun weekend at Ray’s MTB in Cleveland over the weekend. The weather turned up to be really good so he was able to hit up some trails too! If you haven’t been to Ray’s this year then you’ll need to go soon! The new jump room is a lot of fun and the transfer lines are unique and amazing! All the trail photos are shot by Jason Willis and all the indoor Ray’s shots are by Lukas Satas.
From Tom’s Point of View!
All I can say is this is awesome! Tom Arkus somehow making the helmet cam actually work well! This gives a great perspective of trails, it’s speed, acceleration the height and the view! So good!
Tom Arkus edit
Tom Arkus has been shredding the trails and the skatepark lately. He’s been putting his silver Model D to the test and here is the video to prove it! Have you been to his website lately? Vinyl BMX Do it!
Tom Arkus Random Photo!
Vinyl BMX’s, Tom Arkus came to town the other day and tore up the barrier spot from Sunday night’s post! He took the Model D off the trails and tabled high above the barrier. No flat landings here, he just dove right back into the barrier. Did a good tire slide too! Check out the gallery below! Photos by Jim C and Tom did the touch ups!
Tom Arkus Vinyl Interview
VinylBMX just posted this interview with Tom Arkus about getting hooked up with Sunday, his Model D, riding trails and the scene in Pittsburgh. It’s filmed so well! It’s definitely really enjoyable to watch! Look for a full on riding edit from Tom soon!
Tom Arkus Church Session
Tom Arkus spends most of his time behind a computer or working on the trails, but he recently sent me some photos of his adventure in this abandoned and decrepit church they explored and rode recently. Here is what he had to say,
“We stumbled on this old abandoned Church in Gary, Indiana, the birth place of Michael Jackson and #2 murder capital of the U.S. 2 years ago. The original plan was to go shoot some profile shots for the new Vinyl website. However, we ended up filming for 3 hours riding the most random stuff you can imagine. This has to be one of the oddest places I have ever ridden my bike. Look forward to seeing some footage somewhere in the Sunday world soon!”
Photo Credit: David Leep.