New Sunday T-Shirts
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
Okay, well the shirts have been out for awhile, but I have never posted anything about them. So If you never looked at any of the online/mailorder places or been to a good bmx shop then you probably haven’t seen any of the shirts. First is the ‘Scribble’ and it comes in purple and brown. The purple is only in small and now the brown is coming in a full size run including XL. Next is the ‘Yell’ logo which comes in gray and in every size. Lastly is the ‘3 Sunday’ or ‘Sunday Sunday Sunday’ which comes in yellow and for those who can rock it pink. The yellow is only in small while the pink comes in medium and large. There is more to come and designs along with colors are always changing. You can find these at any good BMX shop or any of the mailorders.