
Spring 2017 Softgoods

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Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec Siemon

Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec Siemon – Sunday’s AM squad – are some crazy talented and creative bike riders who are each pushing BMX forward in their own unique way. Julian’s smooth and refined technical prowess, Jared’s uncanny ability to look like he’s not even trying, and Alec’s unprecedented tailwhip mastery are only the beginning of what makes these guys awesome. Grow Up focused mostly on Sunday’s pro riders, but there’s no question all three of these guys could have filmed full parts had they been given the opportunity. Rest assured, they’ll get their time to shine.

–Walter Pieringer

If you haven’t seen Grow Up yet, you can buy the digital download for $5, or buy the DVD and get over an hour’s worth of bonus footage. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get instant updates on new releases!

Julian rides the Motoross

Available now in Fluorescent Yellow, Raw, Trans Gold, Fluorescent Red, and Black Magic. Learn more »

Top Tube Lengths: 20.75″ and 21″
Head Tube Angle: 75°
Seat Tube Angle: 71°
Chainstay Length: 13.25″ slammed
Bottom Bracket Height: 11.5″
Standover: 8.8″
Tire Clearance: 2.4”
Weight: 5 lbs.

Jared & Alec ride the Street Sweeper

Available now in Raw and Trans Purple. Learn more »

Top Tube Lengths: 20.75″ and 21″
Head Tube Angle: 75.25°
Seat Tube Angle: 71°
Chainstay Length: 12.7″ slammed
Bottom Bracket Height: 11.7″
Standover: 8.8″
Tire Clearance: 2.4”
Weight: 5 lbs.

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Alec Siemon on DIG BMX

Our boy Alec Shmalec sits down with DIG and answers a few questions. When you’re done watching the video, go HERE for some pics and the full article.


Aaron Ross

Aaron Ross has been steady killing it as a top pro BMXer for more than a decade. That’s an impressive feat for any rider, but damn near unthinkable for someone who works as hard as Aaron. Check out his domination of the Grow Up crash trailer or his substantial contribution to the wrecks section in the Grow Up bonus, or just take my word for it – Aaron gives it his all. The physical and emotional anguish he endures for some of these clips is nothing short of breathtaking. But Aaron won’t be stopped, and he’s always willing to push himself to the limit to get done what he knows he can get done.

A great example: the barspin in Mexico, pictured above. It has to be one of the most impressive bike riding feats I’ve witnessed in 20-odd years of BMX. The barspin was wild in and of itself, but the conditions with which Aaron had to contend should have made it impossible. By the time he’d hopped the ledge a few times and was ready to throw the bars, there had to have been 100 people in that little square, most watching intently and filming with their phones while others carelessly cut him off on approach. Everybody spoke Spanish, and the language barrier meant Jake was having little luck playing crossing guard. The crowd booed when Aaron would take a run up. Imagine the pressure! Aaron got it done.

Aaron works hard on a lot of other things too. Between being a pro rider simultaneously filming for two full-length video parts (don’t miss his upcoming sure-to-impress Etnies Chapters part), a prolific social media enthusiast, a husband, a business owner (follow @burrocheese), and 100 other interests and endeavors I’m not thinking of, it’s hard to know how he finds enough hours in the day. Even with all that, Aaron has been known to personally answer almost every message and question sent to him over social media. Yep, he’s a pretty great guy too.

So check out Aaron’s part, it’s sick and the product of a lot of hard work.

–Walter Pieringer

If you haven’t seen Grow Up yet, you can buy the digital download for $5, or buy the DVD and get over an hour’s worth of bonus footage. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get instant updates on new releases!

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Next up we have the Grow Up doubles section. We had a lot of fun with this one, but make no mistake, some of these clips took hours to film, and there were some really close calls. I’m gonna say it was well worth it.

–Walter Pieringer

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Gary Young

Gary Young is 33 years old, has been a pro rider for 15 years, and is at the top of his game. It’s hard to understand how after so much time as one of the most skilled BMXers on the planet Gary’s abilities could possibly continue to improve, but there’s no question – he’s never ridden better.

A big part of Gary’s sustained upward trajectory comes from how he keeps it fresh. Gary is nothing if not adaptable: he continues to evolve with BMX and embrace new forms of riding and changing bike setups while still maintaining his core pedal-to-the metal style of hauling ass and charging through any obstacle in his path. Gary rides everything, and he rides it at full speed and with unmatched authority.

Perhaps even more impressive, while filming for Grow Up, Gary also managed to be a devoted husband, raise a young daughter, celebrate the birth of his son Lincoln, ride in the X Games twice, and film his epic Vans Illustrated video part. If you don’t think that’s incredible, you don’t have even a passing understanding of how hard any one of those things is. Seriously, Gary’s the man, and his Grow Up part is sick.

–Walter Pieringer

If you haven’t seen Grow Up yet, you can buy the digital download for $5, or buy the DVD and get over an hour’s worth of bonus footage. Also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get instant updates on new releases!

Gary rides the Soundwave

Hollow dropouts, integrated chain tensioners, Wave down tube and top tube, Cable Channel, new screw-in cable guide, angled removable brake mounts, Director style wishbone, post-weld machining of the BB & HT and full 41 Thermal heat-treating backed by a lifetime warranty all come standard on the Soundwave.

Learn more about the Soundwave »

Top Tube Lengths: 20.75″, 21″, and 21.25″
Head Tube Angle: 75°
Seat Tube Angle: 71°
Chainstay Length: 13.5″ – 13.75″
Bottom Bracket Height: 11.5″
Standover: 9″
Tire Clearance: 2.4”
Weight: 4.87 lbs.

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Dig Insider

Brett Silva with a nollie onto a big ol’ rail.

Dig BMX talked with Chris Childs, Jake Seeley, Mark Burnett, and Erik Elstran to get an inside scoop on what it was like filming for GROW UP. Click HERE to check it out along with some behind the scenes photos.

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Jake Seeley

There are a lot of innovative riders in BMX, but I think of Jake Seeley as having his own brand of innovation. Some riders take BMX in entirely new directions with wildly different moves, while Jake uses many of the same building blocks as other modern street riders, but in ways nobody else is coming up with. The result is some beautifully imaginative combos and a unique form of riding that’s at once grounded in tradition and refreshingly different.

Don’t think any of this comes easy. It’s not uncommon for Jake’s attempts at a clip to number in the hundreds; that’s not a testament to a lack of skill or ability, but to how hard what Jake’s doing really is, and to how dedicated he is to making the crazy shit he cooks up happen.

The other thing about Jake is he’s a perfectionist. Jake will try something 100 times, pull it nearly perfectly, hate one almost imperceptible detail, and give it another 100 goes. There are clips in his Grow Up part he landed seven or eight times, still wasn’t happy with, and we had to convince him to use. I don’t think I’ve ever filmed with a rider with such high standards.

But man, I gotta say it’s all worth it. Check out his part and you’ll understand.

–Walter Pieringer

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Sunday is proud to present the intro to our full-length video, Grow Up. We’ll be dropping rider sections every Monday starting with tech master Jake Seeley this coming Monday, so keep your eyes peeled. Grow Up is the result of two years of riding, filming, traveling, blood, sweat, and tears from the entire Sunday team, and we hope you enjoy.

–Walter Pieringer

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