Jake Seeley VS. Brandon BeginI wonder who wins?????
  The Cory Foust ChallengeWant to win a pair of Sunday Octave Forks with 41 Thermal heat-treating? Then simply film yourself doing all 3 tricks that Cory Foust does in this video. Just do a bike spin, barspin bike spin and a double bike spin. Once you’ve filmed yourself doing them, post the video to Instagram with the hashtag […]
  Gary Young Gold Medal Bike CheckOdyssey just posted a bike check of the bike Gary Young rode to Park gold at the X Games in Barcelona over the weekend. If you haven’t watched his gold medal runs then learn how to ride a bowl from the master right HERE. Take a look after the break to see a full parts […]
  Alex Magallan Owned SectionHow many of you have seen Alex Magallan’s Props Owned section? If not, then Props put it up on Hulu for all to watch.  Alex has the first section and you will probably use these adjectives to describe his section: fast, big, fun, stylish, classic, tech, exciting, creative and very rad.  Way to go Alex!
  Soundwaves in Garrett GrayWe made the Soundwave frame to be the strongest, most durable and best frame we’ve ever offered.  It is only fitting to have this new gray a signature colorway for Garrett Reeves who is one of the burliest riders BMX right now.  The frame comes with hollow dropouts, built in chain tensioners, Wave DT and […]
  New Broadcaster Bars!The new Broadcaster Bars are now available. These follow in the steps of the Freeze stems, Sabretooth sprockets and the Broadcaster frame by offering a strong, modern product with an affordable price tag. They measure in at an 8.9″ rise which happens to be the tallest bar we offer.  Find the bars HERE. Dealers please contact Full […]
  Garrett curved fence rideGarrett Reeves has this sick “curved” fence ride photo in the Devin Feil interview on the The Diggest.  This is like a curved wallride except all the walls are flat.  Really rad idea.  To see more of Devin Feil’s photos then follow this LINK.
  Gary Young WallpaperNot sure how I missed this one, but Gary Young was featured in a Ride BMX wallpaper over the weekend.  Go HERE to download this sick wall tap of Gary.  Do you remember when Gary icepicked a fence similar to this set up dressed as Santa Claus.  If not then check it out after the […]
  Bonus Bike Release Shop List!Are you ready for the 2014 Bonus Bikes that are releasing in the USA this Saturday March 23rd! The limited edition Aaron Ross Vapor Flip, Garrett Reeves Acid Drop and Jake Seeley Emergency Broadcaster bikes all look amazing and are available at the select shops listed below.  This is a limited release with full store […]
  Aaron’s Vapor Flip Bonus Bike!You knew it was coming!  Here is the 2013 Aaron Ross Vapor Flip Bonus Bike that will be available in select shops on March 23rd. Aaron took his 2013 PRO bike and flipped all the colors around. Mostly everything that was red became Vapor Blue and anything Vapor Blue became red.  How sick is this […]
  Bonus Bike Puzzle #3!This one is a bit trickier, but here is the last of the 2013 Sunday Bonus Bikes.  All this weekend we have been releasing a bike a day, but in puzzle form.  If you solve this Bonus Bike puzzle you will be entered into a drawing to win a Pachyderm Backpack full of goodies worth over $200. Winner […]
  Garrett’s Acid Drop Bonus BikeDid you solve the puzzle to see Garrett Reeve’s new Acid Drop EX Bonus Bike?  If not then here it is!  Look for it to be available in select shops on Saturday March 23rd. There is still one more Bonus Bikes to be revealed later today. Any guesses of what they might be?