News / Videos

Gary Young’s Props Bio!

Gary Young’s Props bio from issue 65 is a must see!  Power, control, speed, skill, history and confidence are just a few words to describe him and his riding.  The last trick is so nuts, but there’s so much more in this interview!  Enjoy!

Flashback Friday!

For this edition we are going back beyond the start of Sunday, back to when Jake Seeley was a super young shredder.  I first met him at Woodward during the summer of 2003 and from that first meeting you could tell he was a natural on a bike.  Luckily, the next year he happened to be at Woodward the same week I was there.  From then on, I’d see him at various contests, in magazines, at race tracks in southern Vermont and in videos like this one called Cut Your Loses made by Jason Morris.  Check out the website, The Least Most, Jason posts a lot on this site.  It’s funny because you probably see Jake as a complete street shredder, but his bag is bigger than you think and this video proves it.  Over the years, I patiently waited for an opportunity to ask Jake to be a part of Sunday.  The time came and now you are seeing his Flashback Friday!

Aaron Ross Northeast Empire Video!

Aaron Ross let’s loose another Empire BMX web video!  These are leftovers from an Empire video filming trip which ended up getting diverted up to NYC and Boston area.  I cannot wait for this video!  This was filmed and edited by Devon Hutchins.  Check out Aaron’s last Empire web video HERE.  Enjoy!

Quick Clip:
Alex Magallan

Here’s Alex Magallan‘s handy work in this photo-sequence that’s been turned into a video clip by Scott Marceau.  Two hop overs, two double peg grinds and a manual in grass gives you another reason why Alex is such a shredder on a bike!  Check out more photos from Scott at his website

Australia as seen in Nano-vision!

Jake Seeley is the man begin the “lens” on this one.  Sunday tour of Australia filmed all with an Apple Ipod Nano, Jake is able to easily capture funny and random moments from the Sunday Australia tour from a month ago.  Not the greatest quality, but the content makes up for that.  The song is Rainer Maria‘s, Breakfast of Champions, which was previously used in PropsEuroscene video from 2000 filmed by Stew Johnson. This video is sort of an homage to Euroscene.  Check out our non-nano Australia video HERE.

Australia Video!

About a month ago, most of the Sunday team went down to Australia to visit a few shops, ride some skateparks, hit up some street and get punched by a kangaroo. We drove all over the east coast, from Melbourne to Brisbane and back again. Our adventure took us from scorching heat to torrential rain and from tsunami warnings to crazy hail storms. This video documents our adventure over those 12 days. If you ever get the chance to go to Australia then do it. You won’t be disappointed!

Tammy shredding!

Check out Tammy shredding in Coalition‘s Smoke and Mirrors video!  The toothpick grind he does is amazing!  Super good stuff in here!  He’s been dealing with some serious knee injuries over the past 1.5 years, so it’s really nice to see him killing it again!

Garrett Reeves in Props!

Remember this Garrett Reeves video?  Well, if not then watch it now and get an actual DVD copy in Props issue 75.  Beware of Garrett, I was checking out some of his wall ride marks around town and they are nuts!