
Kurt Rasmusson Firsts!

Kurt Rasmusson has a Firsts over on BMXonline, so go there and check it out. The main photo shot during a trip to Barcelona, isn’t just a Ruben wallride, its like a 270 to Ruben off the wedge on the right. It didn’t seem like you could make it far enough to do the trick safely, but if you know Kurt then you know he did it first try. And this photo was taken just moments after trying chocolate cake mixed in salsa. Good times! On a side note, there was a nude beach right behind us as Jeff Z shot the photo.

Jim C on BMXonline!

Bank tailwhip

BMXonline has a little interview with me about making video sections. The photo was shot by Jeff Z about a year and a half ago. I had been really interested in doing whips, barspins and 360 fakies on the steepest banks possible. I had already did a barspin on it awhile back, but I wanted to whip it. This whip in LA ended up being the steepest I’ve done.

A behind the scenes story from this night include the sprinklers turning on right as we finished setting up. It was disappointing because I had worked myself up to see if it was possible and now with the water in the way it was going to be very difficult to do. Mike Hoder ended up using his hoodie to clean up the water and try and make a dam, but it only worked for so long. You can the watermarks on the lower part of the bank and Mike’s hoodie in the background to the right. This is one of my favorite spots in LA even though the banks are really slippery.